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.ng N8,500 N17,000 N42,500 N8,500 N8,500 Contact us NO Buy Now N2,499 N4.998 N12,495 N2,499 N2,499 Contact us NO Buy Now N2,499 N4.998 N12,495 N2,499 N2,499 Contact us NO Buy Now N2,499 N4.998 N12,495 N2,499 N2,499 Contact us NO Buy Now N10,000 N20,000 N50,000 N10,000 N10,000 Contact us NO Buy Now N1,199 N2,399 N5,999 N1,199 N1,199 Contact us NO Buy Now
.com N29,999 N59,998 N149,995 N29,999 N29,999 Contact us NO Buy Now
.net N29,999 N59,998 N149,995 N29,999 N29,999 Contact us NO Buy Now
.org N29,999 N59,998 N149,995 N29,999 N29,999 Contact us NO Buy Now
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A domain name, like, is a lot like a street address for a house or business. Let's use the White House as an example. The street address, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, is an exact location — like an IP address. You might not know the exact street address, but when you visit Washington, D.C., you can tell your cabbie that you want to visit the White House and still get there. This is how a domain name is used: It's an easy way to reach the exact location of a website without having to remember its numeric address. A domain name consists of, at least, a top-level and a second-level domain. A top-level domain (TLD) is the part of the domain name located to the right of the dot ("."). The most common TLDs are .com, .net, and .org. Many domains, also called extensions, can be registered by anyone, like .com, .net, and .org. A second-level domain (SLD) is the portion of the domain name that is located immediately to the left of the dot and domain name extension. For example, the SLD in is coolexample. Advanced Domain Name Description: A domain name represents a physical point on the Internet — an IP address. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) governs coordination of the links between IP addresses and domain names across the Internet. With this standardized coordination, you can find websites on the Internet by entering domain names instead of IP addresses into your Web browser.

Transferring a domain name is one of our most commonly asked questions. Because every domain registrar is different, it can be confusing to know what to do. Thankfully at Webindices, we make it as easy as possible to transfer your domain registration to your account so you can manage all your domains and files under one, well-maintained roof. While we can’t imagine every possible system out there, the actual steps are almost always the same. Transfer any .com, .net, .org, .info, .ng, or .biz domain to webindices.

While a domain name is not necessary to have a website, it is recommended. Whether you are creating a family website or a business website, having a domain name allows your site to be more easily found and remembered.

A country code top-level domain is an Internet top-level domain generally used or reserved for a country, sovereign state, or dependent territory identified with a country code.